On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 02:55:04 -0400,
  Jan Chadima <jchad...@redhat.com> wrote:
> I need to create rpm package with cca 500000-1000000 tiny files inside. The 
> whole tree is about 2-3GB binary data. Koji dies with "error: Unable to 
> create immutable header region." There are existing bug

Fedora seems to build file systems with around 2.5 M inodes these days (at
least on ext3) and you are creating a number of files that is a significant
fraction of that. I have some fairly full installs that already install
uses about half of that (around 1.3 M inodes) on the root file system.
A couple packages like this are going to break things with the default
inode limits. (It used to be that the default number of inodes allowed
scaled up to larger values; on the order of 10 M.)

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