Milan Crha wrote:
On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 12:32 -0500, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
If I file this, should it be against evolution-mapi, or libical?

and thanks, it's already filled under this bug:

Meh, google must not index b.g.o :-(. Anyway, thanks, though I dispute that this is actually bug 580706. (I believe it is rather bug 581642, which was - IMO wrongly - marked a duplicate of 580706. I've said as much on the respective bugs.)

Please do not quote my e-mail address unobfuscated in message bodies.
> pinotree uses the large trout on tsdgeos and PutHuhn :)
> PutHuhn runs
> tsdgeos lights a fire and eats the trout
(with apologies to Pino Toscano, PutHuhn and Albert Astals Cid, who came up with this entirely on their own)

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