Stephen Gallagher wrote:
On 07/24/2009 12:03 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
Stephen Gallagher wrote:
Python does not make for a particularly efficient long-running daemon.
And if your plan is to monitor for port openings in order to prompt,
it's going to need to be a long-running daemon (also you'll probably
want a kernel module component to signal your daemon when a port is

If I might suggest, you probably want to use a compiled language like C.
The GLib C framework is probably a good approach, especially with its
excellent glib-dbus integration.
If I might suggest, C++ and Qt would also be a fine approach :-), the
object model isn't built on C hacks, and Qt also has great dbus
integration. (And it's bloody easy to design UI's in Qt. And you could
make friends by working with KDE instead of making them play catch-up,
for a change.) Why does everyone have to reach for glibc first?

Sorry, wasn't trying to start a holy-war.


Since I also do not wish to start a holy war, I'll stop now. Both camps have now been suggested, that is enough for me.

I reached for GLib mainly because it's written in C and doesn't
require pulling in the entire C++ shared object set.

TBH I have (almost) no experience with glib, but the mere idea of trying to write OO in C scares me ;-). (Conversely I have pretty decent experience with Qt, and absolutely love it.) C++ was designed for OO; "little" things like ctors/dtors make life soooo much easier.

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