On Mon, 2009-07-27 at 21:47 +0800, Ian Chapman wrote:
> On 26/07/09 05:06, Julian Aloofi wrote:
> > I don't think that would count as a feature, and it isn't one. It's
> > basically a program every system should have (in my opinion).
> > The Gnome clipboard isn't working great. I often get complaints from new
> > users I introduce to Fedora that their clipboard content was lost when
> > they closed Firefox, or something similar.
> I'd like to see some consistency between how apps handle clipboard 
> content, when
> 1. The user highlights content and pastes using the middle mouse button
> 2. The user uses the copy & paste menu options or hot keys.

They work as designed. They're intended to be separate. The middle click
paste buffer is the 'junior', the ctrl-c / ctrl-v paste buffer is the
'senior'. Anything you cut/copy with ctrl-c / ctrl-v will overwrite
anything that's currently in the middle click buffer, but not vice
versa. That's how it's intended to work. The behaviour is always
consistent if you understand the relationship between the buffers.

Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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