On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 11:06, Matěj Cepl<mc...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Adam Miller <maxamill...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Today in our F12Alpha Blocker meeting we discussed the status of the
>> Firefox SELinux bug.
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=512845
>> And we were hoping to get in contact with caillon, stransky, jhorak
>> for more information on the bug as well as send this to the developer
>> list in order to get any outside feedback that others might have on
>> the topic of this being a F12Alpha Blocker.
> It is taken care of. Don't worry about it.

I had made a comment in this bug, asking about a similar bug in
Epiphany that SEAlert had reported to be the exact same one, but AIUI
Epiphany doesn't depend on Gecko anymore but on WebKit-GTK.

I can't see if someone had answered me, as the bug is now private, for
security concerns I guess.

If you stil have acces to it, could you tell me if I was answered ? Or
even better, could you answer me ? :)

I just wanted to know if I should open a new bug report for Epiphany
as SEAlert got confused or if it is indeed the same bug, in which case
I'll be patient.

Best regards,


Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)

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