On Sun, 2009-08-09 at 00:13 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-08-08 at 17:15 -0500, Mike Chambers wrote:
> > Sooo, I thought I saw mention about sound with current rawhide or close.
> > Mine is just the ac97 or whatever built into the motherboard and after a
> > straight up upgrade from F11 to rawhide it stopped working.  I take it
> > known problem already?  Have anything to do with the boxes on the panel
> > in the notification area being there instead of the device icons?
> Indirectly, probably yes. There's a workaround for that known problem
> posted on rawhidewatch - restart notification-applet (or whatever the
> exact name is) until you get the icons instead of the boxes (can take
> over 20 tries, for me at least). At that point you'll probably see that
> the sound volume icon has the mute symbol on it. PA seems to still be
> initializing things at 0% volume when you first login. It is for me,
> anyway. I'm guessing that's the case for you.

The icon got to where it would be there at login, but it was muted.  I
would turn it up, and still no sound.  Look a few moments later (if not
seconds at times) and it would be muted again.  

Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

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