On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 10:44:35 -0800,
  Jeff Spaleta <jspal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ah..but project wide..is this place to have a quality enhancement
> discussion currently? Let me try to put this into perspective. This
> post started about 4 updates. How many updates have we pushed? What is
> our defect rate? Like 1% or something?  What's are defect rate
> associated with packaging generally? Aren't we seeing more packaging
> defects than update text defects? And if so, shouldn't we
> concentrating on packaging defect prevention until the defect rate
> drops below the defect rate in update texts?

The cost of correcting and not correcting the defects also needs to be
accounted for, not just the current rates in different areas of the

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