On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:33 PM, Bill Nottingham <nott...@redhat.com>wrote:

> New:
> - user downloads DVD live iso
> - user partitions, has to include space for all other software on DVD (!)
> - user installs
> - user reboots
> - user can pick from arbitary set of software to add on
> - additional software can be selected from network
> How is this better?
> I agree that it will take up more space but its a price which most of us
will be ready to pay. Bad Internet connection is more common than smaller
hard disks. Also if someone is concern about the disk space so much than
he'll be using live cd than dvd. Primarily Live DVD is to help those who do
not have internet access or a bad connection.

Aditya Patawari
Join Live DVD SIG : https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/LiveDVD
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