I did:

        $ make tag

and got:

        cvs tag  -c openvrml-0_18_3-11_fc13
        cvs tag: openvrml.spec is locally modified
        cvs [tag aborted]: correct the above errors first!

Whoops.  And so I proceeded to commit the outstanding changes that I'd
forgotten to commit.  Once I'd done that, I went to tag again:

        $ make tag
        cvs tag  -c openvrml-0_18_3-11_fc13
        ERROR: Tag openvrml-0_18_3-11_fc13 has been already created.
        The following tags have been created so far
        cvs tag: Pre-tag check failed
        cvs [tag aborted]: correct the above errors first!

Uh oh.

Did my previous "make tag" actually succeed?

Braden McDaniel <bra...@endoframe.com>

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