On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 13:22:03 -0500,
  Seth Vidal <skvi...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> If there are pkgs which run daemons which are defaulting to ON when
> installed or on next reboot - then we should be auditing those pkgs.
> Last I checked we default to OFF and that should continue to be the
> case.

There definitely is some user oriented stuff that gets run by default, but
maybe only when using a desktop. Bluetooth seems to work that way. Installing
beagle and another indexing program I noticed recently but don't remember the
name of, schedule indexing operations by default. There is a mail client that
has an annoying desktop popup by the default just for having it installed.
There are other things that are needed for lots of stuff to function, such
as pulseaudio, so it's not always clear cut what the proper default should be.

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