On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 21:57 -0500, Justin wrote:
> > We've gotten enough feedback. We don't need 300 more people giving the same
> > arguments over and over or empty +1s or votes. Please relax and let the
> > developer handle it, followed by fesco.
> >
> I'm on Fedora largely for the security policy (best SELinux
> implementation available, for example), but I can't be the only one
> seriously considering a switch because of this. Not because the
> mistake was made, but because I actually watched Fedora developers try
> to defend it when the only response should have been an immediate fix
> followed by revocation of all privileges of the package maintainer
> until his permanent status could be decided.
> The total turn around since the initial discovery will be three days
> come tomorrow's FESCo meeting, plus whatever time it takes after that
> to get a fix pushed out. That's completely unacceptable. I think an
> emergency meeting would have been more than appropriate given the
> situation and general reaction here.
> In short: If it hasn't been handled yet, you apparently haven't had
> nearly enough feedback.

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