On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 02:01:00PM +0000, Terry Barnaby wrote:
> another set of problems. The new release speed also uses a lot of
> developer and user time in just managing to create a new release and
> updating systems to use it.

This is the key flaw in your suggestion. Fedora developer effort isn't as
malleable as you seem to think -- managing a new release is very different
from fixing graphics bugs, and even if everyone involved in a different
aspect of the project _wanted_ to switch to graphics driver programming
_and_ was qualified to do so _and_ was able to get up to speed in a
reasonable time, you can't necessarily solve programming problems faster by
multiplying the number of developers.

On the other hand, having a release which emphasizes stability over new
features is an idea that's been around for a while. It may be a good idea
occasionally, but one of the problems you get is that new development in
general doesn't stop and wait for stabilization, so the _next_ release,
where you open things up again, ends up extra-unstable as all that new stuff
hits at once.

Matthew Miller <mat...@mattdm.org>
Senior Systems Architect 
Cyberinfrastructure Labs / Instructional & Research Computing
Computing & Information Technology 
Harvard School of Engineering & Applied Sciences

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