On Wed, Dec 09, 2009 at 10:24:16AM -0900, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
> Good Alaskan Morning!
> In two weeks I'm going to be in Antarctica for a month+ and I'm
> looking for other packagers to step in for me and maintain my packages
> and prepare them for F13.  I'm not exactly sure what my time and
> bandwidth access will be so I'm planning for the worst and that I'll
> be reliably off the grid through mid Feb.   Please let me know if you
> can take on a co-maintainer/primary maintainer role for any of the
> packges and see them through the next couple of months.
> Here's the set of packages that I own.  I will be contacting existing
> co-maintainers for individual packages in the list separately this
> week.
> ScientificPython -- A collection of Python modules that are useful for
> scientific computing
> g3data -- Program for extracting the data from scanned graphs
> gourmet -- Recipe Manager for the GNOME desktop environment
> gpodder -- Podcast receiver/catcher written in Python
> istanbul -- Desktop Session Recorder
> nec2c -- Translation of NEC2 antenna modeling tool from FORTRAN to C
> pyscript -- PyScript - Postscript graphics with Python
> python-basemap -- Plots data on map projections (with continental and
> political boundaries)
> python-basemap-data -- Data for python-basemap
> python-dateutil -- Powerful extensions to the standard datetime module
> python-matplotlib -- Python plotting library
> python-xlib -- X client library for Python
> pytz -- World Timezone Definitions for Python
> revelation -- Password manager for GNOME 2
> safekeep -- The SafeKeep backup system
> scipy -- Scipy: Scientific Tools for Python
> telescope-server -- Opensource Telescope control servers to interface
> with stellarium
> usbsink -- USBSink is a GNOME

Jef, I'll help with istanbul.  If anyone else out there is considering
doing so, please feel free to team up with me.

Paul W. Frields                                http://paul.frields.org/
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