
On 12/14/2009 04:56 AM, Nathanael Noblet wrote:

As a DBA / Developer, I second this... obviously I can't complain
because they are both free. However the setup/configuration of
postgreSQL compared to MySQL is basically something easy, versus
something where I don't have a clue what is going on, and there are
million ways to do it, and when I'm done I have no idea if I'm wide open
to the entire world, or as secure as on MySQL. There are a few other odd
bits too, I mean I really don't get the purpose of copying template1,
what is that? etc etc etc... MySQL is just more intuitive.

I agree on that, and a "major" problem with PostgreSQL at the moment is that it doesn't have a clustering engine. So MySQL is still the simplest choice out there for the end user.


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