On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 11:33:23AM +1100, Bojan Smojver wrote:
> According to this: http://lwn.net/Articles/367443/, latest kernel
> updates have security fixes (the second one appears on the
> list).
> Is this something that has been backported to current F-12 kernels (I
> don't see it in changelog), or do we need a security update for F-12
> here?

Sorry, I forgot to push it to bodhi after the build completed (blame
ppc, it takes far too long.) They should be pushed now (with an extra
fix to fuse.)

In the future, if you want to ask such questions, fedora-kernel-list
would be much more appropriate. I for one, don't have time to read
fedora-devel-list often.

regards, Kyle.

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