I'm currently packaging lessfs and there are apparently a couple
libraries that are a part of it that have become a cause for concern
by the reviewer (rightfully so) and I'm hoping someone could offer a
recommendation of how to go about packaging them.

Review Request: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=530473
Latest spec (not yet submitted to the review):
Latest SRPM (not yet submitted to the review):

There is one library that will have to be a separate package, QuickLZ
which I plan to package up and put in for review but there are many
other lib_$foo.c files that belong to lessfs and are original work by
the author.

Upstream has been extremely responsive and very helpful through out
this process and is willing to work along with me to get some changes
into the upstream release but I'm just trying to find the best

Here is where the recommendations would be helpful:

Should I package the source and not worry about packaging the libraries?
Should the libraries be in their own sub package?
Should each library be their own package?
or $other?

Many thanks to all,

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