Hello George and Gerald. I'm afraid the tuning guide wont help much with reducing memory footprint, it focuses on increasing performance which involves using more memory among other things! :) There is a document for the NSDS 7.0 which is not far from the FDS 1.0 codebase if you're still interested, but the measurements and tuning suggestions are meant for DS running on HP-UX.

It does answer one of Gerald's questions: worker threads can be reduced with nsslapd-threadnumber, the default is 30. I don't know that this will save you significant memory on Linux.


George Holbert wrote:

Hi Gerald,

HP has a tuning guide for their bundled Netscape DS, which may be somewhat useful to you for this:


Of course, Fedora DS and HP's DS are not the same product, but they have common heritage.


The Netscape Directory Server for HP-UX caches entry and indexing information in memory. HP-UX requires at least 256 MB of memory for a small deployment. But for large directory servers, 512MB to 4GB RAM is needed for best performance. To estimate how much RAM needed for Directory Server on a system, please use the following
Total_NDS_RAM = 1.2 * (base_RAM_need_for_slapd_process + caches)
base_RAM_needed_for_slapd_process = 32MB + nsslapd-threadnumber * 1MB
caches = dbcache + SUM(all entry caches) + import_cache
· 1.2: 20% additional RAM needed for slapd process to handle incoming LDAP operations. 20% is an estimated number, and it should be sufficient. However, testing is needed to ensure that it is enough before
going into production.
· 32MB: is the size of the slapd process.
· nsslapd-threadnumber *1MB: each thread needs about 1MB of memory.
· dbcache: specified as nsslapd-dbcachesize.
· All entry caches: specified as nsslapd-cachememsize.

Gerald Richter wrote:


I just made a test installation of FDS and saw that a ns-slapd without any user data takes about 120MB of (virtual) memory on my system.

I would like to run it on a system which limited memory resources, so I am looking for a way to use less memory.

I don't have high load on that system and never more than one or two quries in parallel, so it would be quite ok to reduce the number of threads and things like this, but beside reducing the cache size of the backend DB I didn't find any hints what can be done in this direction.

Any ideas?



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