So I'm logged in as cn="Directory Manager" on Fedora Directory Server 1.0.4
and I've created the database for dc=ama,dc=domain,dc=com under the configuratio
n tab, but when I try to create the new root object under the Directory tab
is complains:

Can't Create Root Entry
Only the Directory Manager has the right to create the Root Entry
Log in as Directory Manager to be able to perform this operation.

James S. White                             primary/voip: (615) 469-0268
220 Hidden Valley Rd.            .O.             mobile: (256) 476-2619
Danville, AL 35619               ..O              work:  (615) 445-7338        OOO          work cell: (615) 517-6552
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                fax: (866) 260-5465
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose
our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
                                                     -- Abraham Lincoln

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