Dans wrote:
I have problem with password's synchronization between Fedora Directory Server (1.0.4) and Active Directory (2003). I read wiki (Howto:WindowsSync) and setup up synchronization arrangement. Without PassSync everything is ok. I can synchronize users both ways from AD -> FDS and FDS-> AD.
But if I install PassSync I can notice strange behavior:
1. I change user's password in FDS
How did you change the password? Are you sure that a pre-hashed password was not stored (e.g. pam_ldap with md5)?
2. Password is populated to AD
3. !!! PassSync recognize that password was changed !!!
4. PassSync populate password to FDS
5. FDS recognize that password was changed and realize step 2 - and it's repeating !
Anybody has any idea what is wrong ?


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