Hello Andre,

It seems your certificates are not set up correctly.  You should have the 
same CA certificate in the database in both FDS and AD.  Also, the server 
certs in each database should be issued by the same certificate authority.

It is convenient to use the Certificate Authority included with recent 
Microsoft Windows servers to create a CA certificate to import into both 
databases.  You can then create server certificates using the MSCA and import 
them into their respective databases.

You may also need to import the server certificate from FDS into the database 
on AD and vice-versa.  Once this is done, you should review and possibly 
modify the trust attributes on all the certs.  As you can see from my 
examples, I used a scatter-gun approach.

You will need to use certutil for all import and modify operations on the 
certificate databases.  "certutil -H" gives a nice reference.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] alias]# ./certutil -L -d . -P slapd-sibelius-
TWCA                             CT,c,c
boccherini                       P,P,P
server-cert                      CTu,cu,cu

C:\Program Files\RHD Password Sync>certutil -L -d .
TWCA                             CT,C,C
server-cert                      Pu,Pu,Pu
boccherini                       P,P,P

Remember to restart FDS and PassSync after making changes.  Also, note that 
although it is rumored that the FDS bind user for replication can be created 
by the administrator, no one has explained in detail how to make it work.  
You might use cn=Directory Manager for your bind user who will bind to the 
FDS for replication, at least while testing.

The "fine" manual is here:


Hope this helps.   -G.

---------- Original Message -----------
From: André Luís Lopes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: fedora-directory-users@redhat.com
Sent: Fri, 18 May 2007 09:43:39 -0300
Subject: [Fedora-directory-users] Windows Sync using SSL : Peer's Certificate 
issuer is not recognized

> Hello,
>     First of all, I would like to tell you all that that this is my 
> very first message to this mailing list so please be patient with me 
> for a while and sorry for the possibly dull questions.
>     Also, it's important to let you guys know that I already learnt 
> a lot only by searching the list archives. Thanks :-) I tried each 
> and every bit I found online (be it by reading the enormous amount 
> of documentation under http://directory.fedoraproject.org/ or by 
> reading the mailing list archives) and couldn't get Windows Sync 
> using SSL to work yet.
>     What I have now :
> 1) Fedora Directory Server 1.0.4 running under a REd Hat Enterprise 
> Linux 4 Advanced Server Update 5, installed from the 
> fedora-ds-1.0.4-1.RHEL4.i386.opt.rpm package. This host is named 
> fds.aw2.local.
> 2) Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition running a locally Active 
> Directory set up only for testing. This host is named adserver.aw2.local.
>     I already installed PassSync (from 
> http://directory.fedoraproject.org/download/PassSync-20060330.msi) 
> in the Windows Server 2003 and already have it configured to use the 
> following information :
> Host name : fds.aw2.local
> Port number : 636
> User name : uid=replication, cn=config
> Password : 123456
> Cert Token : 123456
> Search base : dc=aw2, dc=local
>     uid=replication is a user I added to FDS, under cn=config. Cert 
> token is the correct certificate token and search base is the 
> correct search base as well.
>     I can create a Windows Sync Agreement and have it doing 
> synchronization both from AD to FDS and from FDS to AD, but only 
> when using a non-SSL connection. But, in this case, as you all know, 
> I don't get users passwords sychronized.
>     I thin I got both AD and FDS SSL setup right as I can use 
> "Active Directory Administration Tool (ldp.exe)" to connect to AD on 
> port 636 
> (SSL) correctly and I can use an ldapsearch from the FDS machine to 
> the FDS directory using SSL correctly as well.
>     The only problem I'm getting is whenever I try to set up a 
> Windows Sync Agreement using SSL I get the following error message 
> on my FDS LDAP error log (/opt/fedora-ds/slapd-fds/logs/error, in my 
> case) :
> [18/May/2007:08:52:40 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=sync" 
> (adserver:636): Simple bind failed, LDAP sdk error 81 (Can't contact 
> LDAP server), Netscape Portable Runtime error -8179 (Peer's 
> Certificate issuer is not recognized.)
>     I have the following configured regarding certificates in the AD 
> host ("certutil.exe -d . -L" output running from C:\Program 
> Files\Red Hat Directory Password Synchronization\) :
> CA certificate                CT,C,C
> Server-Cert           Pu,Pu,Pu
>     Isn't this certificate database the one which is being used when 
> a Windows Sync Agreement is set up ? Anyway, I already also tried 
> the following :
> 1) Import the FDS certificate using :
> cd /opt/fedora-ds/alias
> /opt/fedora-ds/shared/bin/pk12util -d . -P slapd-fds- -o 
> servercert.pfx -n Server-Cert
> 2) Import it into AD certificate snap-in in Windows Microsoft 
> Management Console and reboot.
>     No luck with this also. I have read and re-read every single bit 
> of documentation I could find about the topic and I have no problem 
> reading more if you guys ask me to RTFM. Just point me to the "fine" 
> manual :-)
> Regards,
> -- 
> André Luís Lopes
> --
> Fedora-directory-users mailing list
> Fedora-directory-users@redhat.com
> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-directory-users
------- End of Original Message -------

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