O.K., so now I can search the NT4 LDAP service using ldapsearch from a Linux 
machine, but I still can't get that confounded sync agreement to 
work.  I have read the Windows Sync manual several times, and it implies 
heavily that you should be able to create a Windows Sync agreement with NT4.  
But no matter what I try, I get "unable to contact Active Directory server" 
after filling out the sync agreement form.

Just for kicks, I decided to try creating a "Replication Agreement" as 
opposed to a "Windows Sync" agreement.  Oddly enough, I can carry this 
through to completion, with the Fedora server as supplier and the NT server 
as consumer (this is what we need anyway).  But immediately after completing 
the agreement, the replica fails to initialize.

All suggestions warmly accepted.  Thanks.   -Glenn.

ldapsearch options that work:

# ldapsearch -v -H ldap://nt4testbox.mydomain.edu -x -
D "uid=admin,ou=system" -w password -b "o=mydomain.edu"

Windows Sync form options
Error: Unable to contact Active Directory server, continue?

Windows Domain Name: mydomain.edu
Sync New Windows Users: unchecked
Sync New Windows Groups: unchecked
Windows Subtree: o=mydomain.edu
DS Subtree: o=mydomain.edu
Domain Controller Host: nt4testbox
Port Num: 389
Using Encrypted SSL Connection: not checked
Bind As: uid=admin,ou=system
Password: password
Subtree: o=mydomain.edu

Replication Agreement options
Error: Replication error acquiring replica: unknown error. Error code 255.

Supplier (filled in already): fdserver.mydomain.edu:636
Consumer: nt4testbox.mydomain.edu:389
Using encrypted SSL connection: unchecked
Simple authentication: checked
Bind as: uid=admin,ou=system
Password: password
Enable fractional replication: unchecked
Always keep directories in sync: checked
Initialize consumer now: checked

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