Scott Lacy wrote:

Hi all,

I am making some changes to dsgw.conf to point htmldir, configdir, and gwnametrans to customized html and config directories on FDS’s admin server. Everything else seems to work except for clicking on Directory Server Gateway, which gives me:

403 Forbidden error: You don't have permission to access /dsgw/bin/lang on this server.

The admin-serv error log shows:

[Thu May 08 13:10:41 2008] [error] [client a.b.c.d] client denied by server configuration: /opt/fedora-ds/dsgw, referer: http://foxtrot:5000/clients/dsgw/bin/lang?context=dsgw

[Thu May 08 13:10:41 2008] [error] [client a.b.c.d] client denied by server configuration: /opt/fedora-ds/dsgw, referer: http://foxtrot:5000/clients/dsgw/bin/lang?context=dsgw

Admserv.conf has:

<Directory "/opt/fedora-ds/clients/dsgw/bin/">

AllowOverride None

Options None

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

NESCompatEnv on


I’ve beat my head against the wall until it hurts. Any pointers on where to look next?

I think Apache is trying to tell you that it does not allow CGI programs to be executed from that directory. I suggest you refer to the Apache documentation, especially the ScriptAlias directive and "Options +ExecCGI".




Scott Lacy

Unix Systems Manager, Systems and Networks

Mercer University

478 301 5509


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