On 4/17/07, Jeff Spaleta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/17/07, Tom Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think Red Hat should put all its eggs in the OLPC basket.
> I don't see anything about the XO and Sugar that wouldn't solve
> problems right here in the south side of Providence, RI.  That is,
> unless OLPC Just Doesn't Work, in which case it will be of no use to
> anyone, here or abroad.

I think there is definitely room to move towards introduction of Sugar
into US schools..sure. But I think you need to make some less
aggressive targets for near term successes that build inroads into US
local school systems at all levels that matter: teachers, IT
departments, and school boards;  before can can have a constructive
serious discussion about Sugar as a new an exciting forward looking

Less aggressive targets would include well-packaged and sustainable
moodle deployments and an establishment of a teacher/open-technology
development network.

I'm not sure what a "teacher/open-technology development network"
looks like, but I think the incremental advances like Moodle
deployments are happening already and will continue to happen with or
without Red Hat's participation.

What we're missing now is the complimentary push for a big, ambitious
vision (that is simultaneously quite practical) that will catch
people's attention and make them think of free software as something
other than a low-rent alternative.  OLPC's the best chance we're going
to get for that.  It is our big splash.  And I think it is the right
thing, pedagogically and technologically.


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