#86: Package geda-xgsch2pcb  - A graphical front-end for the gschem -> pcb
 Reporter:  chitlesh    |       Owner:  chitlesh 
     Type:  task        |      Status:  new      
 Priority:  major       |   Milestone:  Fedora 14
Component:  PCB Layout  |     Version:  devel    
 Keywords:  pcb, geda   |  
 = phenomenon =
 Missing A graphical front-end for the gschem -> pcb workflow

 = background analysis =
 xgsch2pcb provides an intuitive, user-friendly graphical interface to the
 gsch2pcb command-line tool, part of the gEDA suite, which is used to
 generate and update a PCB layout. It works with schematics created by
 gschem, part of the gEDA suite, and layouts created by pcb, a PCB layout
 system commonly used with gEDA.

 = implementation recommendation =

 Package geda-xgsch2pcb


 Next Fedora PCB releases will be compiled with --enable-dbus (# Bug

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-electronic-lab/ticket/86>
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