Dear packager,

At 20091029T192211Z, while scanning the rawhide repository located at:
I have identified the following problems in your gfs-theokritos-fonts package:

SRPM                  RPM                   17  20
gfs-theokritos-fonts  gfs-theokritos-fonts  1   1
                      Total                 1   1

17. Fonts with partial script coverage

    ☛ Some font files included in the package are missing only a few glyphs to 
    accepted by fontconfig as covering one or several scripts. Therefore they
    could be made useful to more people with only a little effort.
    To check a font file script coverage, run fc-query with FC_DEBUG=256 and
    look for lines like: script-id¹(number) { list-of-unicode-codepoints }
    For example “mi(2) { 1e34 1e35 }” means fontconfig will accept the tested
    file for Maori if codepoints 1e34 and 1e35 are added.
    If you feel fontconfig is requiring a glyph which is not strictly necessary
    for a particular script, report the problem upstream².

20. Fonts with localized metadata but no English variant

    ☛ Some font files in the package declare localized metadata, but do not
    include an English variant. They need to be fixed to also declare metadata
    in English.

Please take the appropriate measures to fix the gfs-theokritos-fonts package.

I will warn you again if I find problems next time I am ran.

Your friendly QA robot,


Attachment: gfs-theokritos-fonts.tar.xz
Description: application/xz-compressed-tar

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