Unlike Office 2007, XeTeX checks if a font contains the math script,
not the MATH table to decide whether it will work or not for Unicode
math. So with STIX it complains:

Package fontspec Warning:
    Font "STIXGeneral/ICU" at 12.0pt does not contain script 'Math'

And predictably, it doesn't work:

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 7:34 AM, Vasile Gaburici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It turns out that STIX beta fonts have a modicum of MATH table (it
> didn't occur to me check), but not math script support. Because of the
> MATH table, STIXGeneral gets recognized as math font in Office 2007,
> but it doesn't really work; as soon as you type anything, you get
> Cambria Math instead. See:
> http://blogs.msdn.com/murrays/archive/2007/11/06/stix-beta-fonts.aspx.
> Also, the way the STIX fonts are spread across multiple otf files
> doesn't work with any typesetting software; but hey, if you just want
> to gawk at the glyphs with unicode.org's unibook viewer, it's fine.
> $ otfinfo -t /usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXGeneral.otf
>  251327 CFF
>     28 FFTM
>     30 GDEF
>    242 MATH
>     96 OS/2
>   4346 cmap
>     54 head
>     36 hhea
>  10026 hmtx
>      6 maxp
>   6393 name
>     32 post
>    572 prop
> $ otfinfo -s /usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXGeneral.otf
> <<nothing>>
> $ otfinfo -t /usr/share/fonts/asana-math/asana-math.otf
>  354717 CFF
>     28 FFTM
>     30 GDEF
>     80 GPOS
>   1268 GSUB
>  12168 MATH
>     96 OS/2
>   2262 cmap
>     44 feat
>     54 head
>     36 hhea
>  12076 hmtx
>      6 maxp
>    128 morx
>  15289 name
>     32 post
>    542 prop
> $ otfinfo -s /usr/share/fonts/asana-math/asana-math.otf
> DFLT            Default
> grek            Greek
> latn            Latin
> math            <unknown script>
> $ otfinfo -f --script=math /usr/share/fonts/asana-math/asana-math.otf
> dtls    <unknown feature>
> onum    Oldstyle Figures
> salt    Stylistic Alternates
> ssty    <unknown feature>
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 6:24 AM, Vasile Gaburici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The STIX fonts do **NOT** currently have the math OpenType script.
>> What this means is that they have nice collection of glyphs, but no
>> special layout features, so they're pretty useless for actually
>> typesetting something with them. The math script, aka MATH table, is a
>> MS extension to OpenType. MS has not yet officially submitted any
>> documentation for these math layout extensions -- and they are quite
>> extensive -- not even in the draft 1.5/1.6 OpenType spec. Despite
>> this, it is the de-facto OpenType math standard, and support for it
>> has appeared in FOSS projects.
>> These extensions are implemented only in the Cambria Math font (MS),
>> and now in Asana Math (FOSS). Fonts using these extensions are
>> currenly usable only in MS Office 2007 (and some other minor non-FOSS
>> products), but out of the FOSS world only XeTeX supports them right
>> now. LuaTeX is scheduled to add support by the end of this year,
>> together with the release of the GUST Math font.
>> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 05:41 +0300, Vasile Gaburici wrote:
>>>> It's nice to see that the first (& only?) FOSS OpenType math font,
>>> STIXFonts? Well, not quite FOSS yet, but soon hopefully...
>>> http://www.stixfonts.org/user_license.html
>>> --
>>> Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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