Dhaval Giani wrote:

> A scary question here. So what have been results from the fedora india
> community? And how much have the IRC meetings helped. (As in, did you
> get any firm new contributor out of these IRC meetings, or did other
> things help, and what helped the most?)

If I were asked to point out the single benefit from the IRC presence it
is that it allows visibility to those working in the Fedora community to
have access to each other. The IRC meetings in the most recent past had
been aimed at gathering the Fedora Ambassador flock together. Not much
success has happened on that though. We see increase in the # of
Ambassadors, the # of active Ambassadors don't grow at the same rate.

Since a large part of the 'Classrooms' happened via #dgplug (we like to
align with groups who are already doing the good work rather than
re-invent everything), I'd wait for Kushal to give some pointers here.

A second (but none the less important) part is that the IRC meetings
have enabled Susmit to come up with ideas to organize events and send
across media to those who are willing to be local contacts. /me looks at
Susmit to fill in here.

>> * To keep track of what each other is doing and help out when we can.
>> Getting started with a new project or cross reviewing each other's
>> packages for example
> ML seems to work better here, except when real time assistance is required.

For both of the points mentioned above and below, mailing lists and IRC
combine to provide an efficient mechanism. For example, for
Review-o-Matic and like projects, mailing lists, trac and IRC provide
the context of discussions around which the project can move forward.

>> * Help organize events
> ML is much better here.

See above. Additionally, a quick round up for an event prior to it does
help. We did a couple of runs prior to the FUDCon and for some of the
banner events (since we know have a list of event upcoming) it is easy
to grab a quick IRC chat.

> Why not send weekly updates on mailing lists?
> <snip about how to help>
>> Let me know if any of this makes sense and if you want to help. On the
>> other hand, if others don't find it as useful, we can just continue
>> using the mailing lists for real work and occasional IRC chats for
>> getting help and social banter.
> While I don't have anything against the meeting in general, just the
> fact that I believe that mailing lists serve the purpose better.

Since the declared 'meetings' have logs sent to the list, they work out
better in conjunction with the list.


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