What : Install Fest cum Talk on Linux/FOSS.

When : Friday, the 30th of January '09.

Where : Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur.

By : The  Linux Users' Group of Durgapur, DGPLUG.

Head Count : 100-120.

Systems Installed : 10. [most of the first year students have not
bought a system yet...expecting another few installations when they do

Media Distributed : 60 (appx.) [Fedora 10 DVDs and Fedora 10 Live-CD
KDE were distributed]

Feedback : A huge success, demands of conducting another one.
[working on it already...sometime in the middle of Feb. probably
...thinking of introducing GCC this time.]

The event went out as planned. Since the audience had no prior
knowledge about Linux or FOSS, we began with talking on FOSS and
Linux. The '4F' of FOSS was explained  and other advantages were
discussed. Also, we emphasized on the difference between the EULA and
GPL license agreements, also emphasized that Linux is not affected by
viruses, and is highly secured. We then spoke about the Linux
filesystem and explained that it does not require any defragmention.
The audience were really amazed at and impressed by the advantages of
Linux over Windows. Then, we informed them about the different
distributions of Linux available and made them realise their "Freedom
of Choice" and that there can be a day without "Microsoft Windows".

Gradually, we moved forward and began installation. The distro to be
installed was Fedora 10. Step-by-Step installation procedure was being
shown via a projector(we used Virtual Box to virtually install on a
system and connected t to the projector). Simultaneously, 10 DGPLUG
volunteers who were guiding the students with the installation of
Fedora 10 in their computer systems.

We again resumed our discussion when the package installation had
started. Then we emphasized on The Linux Users' Group of Durgapur,
DGPLUG and its activities in increasing Linux awareness in the area.
We discussed about the ongoing Bijra Project (bijra.dgplug.org),
showed the audience some videos on OLPC, Truth Happens, History of
Fedora. After the installation was done, we did a session on vim and
then on gcc. Then we showed the Kdeedu tools, the Gnome and KDE
Desktop environments, the Compiz effects ( it really captivated the
audience who had by then become the spectators), the Sound and Video
applications, Pidgin, XChat and others. We finally wrapped everything
up with the "I'm Fedora" video.

Finally, at around 4:30 p.m. everyone went back satisfied.

The Linux Users' Group of Durgapur, DGPLUG

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