On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Ankur Sinha <sanjay.an...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> I just checked up the Fedora Ambassadors India page. We have a
> *staggering* 112 ambassadors !! :D
> So, with F12 out in about 30 hours, I wanted to hold a meeting
> @#fedora-india where hopefully *all* these ambassadors would get
> together to discuss their plans for release events?
> Such a meeting was already convened @#fedora-ambassadors for APAC[1]
> (headed by David Ramsey). I was hoping for a meeting more India
> specific.
> Please decide a good time. People who'd like to head the meeting should
> please raise their hands.
> How's 21st Saturday or 22nd Sunday for everyone?
> btw, do we have meetbot functioning on #fedora-india?

I think 21st Saturday will be fine so that we can have a long meeting
and Sunday will be a holiday.


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