On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Ankur Sinha <sanjay.an...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We are trying to hold regular meetings every fortnight. The last was on
> the 6th of Dec and didn't see much participation.
> Please be there on the 20th at 1130AM for another fedora-india meeting
> on #fedora at Freenode.

Ankur, thanks for leading this.

> Agenda:
> - New folks on the team can introduce themselves

With respect to the above, is it possible to include an item which
would allow the first time packagers or, those who have packages under
review (but pending for long) to allow others to help them out ?

> - Questions/queries to be discussed.
> - If there are people interested in learning RPM packaging, I could take
> a quick hands on session for font packages to get them started (like
> mether had done a year or so ago to get me started ;) )

I'd request that this be undertaken separately.


> I'd also like to know what you rates you folks pay for getting media
> mass pressed. I enquired at a site and have been given 27/dvd for 500
> copies and 32/dvd for 300 copies[1]. Comments?

Would you like to elaborate on the above please ? What is the need to
mass produce media ?

sankarshan mukhopadhyay

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