
> Hey Ankur,
> Who is going to chair over the meeting?

It can be anyone really, does not make much of a difference. Whoever
goes "its time lets begin #startmeeting" can chair it ;) 
The chair is needed for zodbot and to add a little "order and method" to
the meet. 

> Incase you have a problem, just use webchat.freenode.net :)
> Another thing which I wanted to speak about was the packaging week that
> is being planned, during the First week of Jan, starting Jan 4.

Ah!! awesome, I forgot to add this to my original email. Thanks :)

> I am sure to be there, I just set up a reminder, I request everybody
> else to set up a reminder on your phone (or just email me your number
> and I would be happy to txt ping you) and to please please please be at
> the meeting.

Ah, there's a catch. dronebl.org bans IP addresses, even webchat doesnt
work :(

> Regards,
> Hiemanshu Sharma.


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