On Sat, Oct 20, 2007 at 08:16:12PM -0700, Karsten Wade wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 07:07 +0200, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> > I'm watching all the wiki changes as well and I would really miss them.
> > Thus a loud "-1" from me to the idea to remove them
> Agreed, -1 from me.
> As painful as saves are, we can't replace sane notification without
> another solution.  We have many Docs processes that require notification
> (via email, a standard.)

Toshio is working on putting a sane database backend into moin to
handle this, which will greatly speed things up.

Mike had the idea "hey, why don't we just background the mail
notification", which doesn't solve the problem, but papers over it for
the user who clicks "Save" - they get an instant "thanks for updating
the wiki" while the email happens in the background.  I made a quick
patch and Mike tested it on Friday on a test instance - and it looks
like it'll help until Toshio's stuff is done.

Matt (fan of os.fork() and os._exit())

Matt Domsch
Linux Technology Strategist, Dell Office of the CTO
linux.dell.com & www.dell.com/linux

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