On 2/12/08, Paul W. Frields <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If we could stream to Ogg Vorbis, that would be superb.  I'm not hung up
> on Asterisk as an app, just want to make audio available real-time to
> listeners so they can see what happens in a typical Board meeting.

After writing the message last night I dug a bit more into the details
of hooking up Asterisk and Flumotion and I definitely think that it'll
be possible. I think that combining Asterisk and Flumotion give us the
best of both worlds - use Asterisk to bring together the board members
and to mix the audio, and use Flumotion to create a scalable audio
streaming solution to get the audio out to the general public.  Having
a Flumotion server set up would be good for streaming things like
FUDCon too.


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