On Mon, 7 Jul 2008 12:07:50 -0400
Robin Norwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been trying to use the FAS instance on publictest10, and it's
> acting very strangely.  Basically, after a restart, it goes like this:
> o FAS works fine, both from the web UI and using the API for a few
> minutes.
> o After a few minutes, it starts to give 500 errors with stuff like
> this in the error_log:
> [Mon Jul 07 08:23:07 2008] [error] [client]   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/fas/model/fasmodel.py", line 6 1,
> in ? [Mon Jul 07 08:23:07 2008] [error] [client]
> PeopleTable = Table('people', metadata, autoload=True)
> [...]
> [Mon Jul 07 08:23:07 2008] [error] [client]   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/databases/postgres. py",
> line 462, in reflecttable [Mon Jul 07 08:23:07 2008] [error] [client
>]     raise exceptions.NoSuchTableError(table.name) [Mon Jul
> 07 08:23:07 2008] [error] [client] NoSuchTableError: people
> Very strange.
> Any ideas what's going on here?  If FAS on publictest10 is going
> through some development upheaval, I can set one up locally for
> development and try a public deployment of amber again in a few weeks.

This still seems to be broken - anybody have any suggestions?  I was
hoping to let the websites team and others have a look at what I've got
so far so I can get some feedback this week.


Robin Norwood
Red Hat, Inc.

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