On Mon, 17 Nov 2008, Paul W. Frields wrote:

> Can anyone either generate, or tell me specifically how to generate, the
> following statistics?  Keep in mind that I don't have access to any
> admin passwords, but I do have sysadmin group privileges and the ability
> to get to hosts such as log1.

The below should only require read access to log1, no admin pwds needed.

> Unique visitors to fedoraproject.org - for September + October 2008

for month in `seq -w 9 10`; do echo -n "$month "; (bzcat
/var/log/hosts/proxy[1-5]/2008/$month/*/http/fedoraproject.org-access.* 2>
/dev/null || cat
/var/log/hosts/proxy[1-5]/2008/$month/*/http/fedoraproject.org-access.*) |
awk '{print $1 }' | sort | uniq | wc -l ; done

09 1461490
10 1351477

> Total edits to fp.o wiki - monthly for May through October 2008
for month in `seq -w 5 10`; do echo -n "$month "; (bzgrep -hce
/var/log/hosts/proxy[1-5]/2008/$month/*/http/fedoraproject.org-access.* 2>
/dev/null || grep -hce 'POST.*edit'
/var/log/hosts/proxy[1-5]/2008/$month/*/http/fedoraproject.org-access.*) |
awk '{ s+=$1 } END { print "Total: "s}'; done

05 Total: 6043
06 Total: 6561
07 Total: 4112
08 Total: 3935
09 Total: 4738
10 Total: 3848


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