Hey, I just finished updating the website for the Alpha release
tomorrow.  I won't be around for this one, so somebody will have to push
the website.  I've put some instructions in a comment in
configs/system/syncStatic.sh in puppet, but here they are again:

The website is currently frozen to a single commit in syncStatic.sh.  To
take this off during the Alpha release, remove the "git checkout" line
in configs/system/syncStatic.sh and push it to puppet1.  


sudo /etc/cron.hourly/syncStatic.sh

on puppet1 to generate the new website.  

Finally, run 

sudo func proxy\* call command run \
"/usr/local/bin/syncFiles.sh fedoraproject.org \

to make the proxies pull the new website.  After this, it may be a good
idea to clear the proxy caches by removing the contents of
/srv/cache/mod_cache on proxy[1-5].  

If any last-minute changes are required after this, commit/push it the the
fedora-web repo, then re-run syncStatic.sh and the func command.  

Sorry I won't be around, and good luck tomorrow!

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