On Mon, 2009-02-09 at 12:58 -0700, Clint Savage wrote:

> I think the point I'm continuing to make is that it should support
> caldav or something similar.  The protocol defines a protocol, so the
> client applications themselves shouldn't matter, but we do need to
> have a way to communicate with the calendar server.
> My intention isn't to discount MediaWiki or Zikula as a possible
> platform for a calendaring client, but to say that the features you
> suggest are not what we're after here.  Instead I'd say that those two
> applications could push/pull data from the calendar server (using
> caldav).
> The events listed in the caldav server can be manipulated by these
> other applications and probably through an API which could include
> Access Control Lists based upon FAS rights.  I can see this being a
> bit of an undertaking, but it can really benefit the Fedora Project as
> a whole.
> As I stated in my previous email, I've got a draft up of all the
> features we'd like to see (it's pretty empty right now) and I'll
> probably go ahead and list some of this email there.  But for those of
> you who are interested in helping me get that wiki page more complete,
> feel free to visit:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Herlo/Fedora_Calendar_Project_Desired_Features_(Draft)
> Keep the thoughts coming, I want to see this project succeed!
> Cheers,
> Clint

Right, Clint and I are definitely thinking along the same lines here.

I think it's worthwhile outlining the Glorious Future Vision, so you can
see what Clint and I are driving for here. What we'd like to have is a
beautiful calendar system, where all Fedora-related events are stored.
It'd have each team's meetings and test days and so on listed in it, the
dates when Fedora pre-releases and final releases are due out - anything
Fedora-related with a specific date and time on it could be stored here.
And, critically, it needs to support CalDAV so that we can pull that
data into other places. Most usefully for an end user, you could pull
whichever particular project's dates you wanted into Evolution,
Lightning, KDEPIM or whatever, so that you can see the dates in your
regular client, and set alarms based on them and so on. The problem with
a purely web-based system is it becomes yet another damn place to log in
to, and you can't really set alarms on it.

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