Mike McGrath wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009, Gianluca Varisco wrote:
>> Mike McGrath wrote:
>>> diff --git a/configs/web/translate.fedoraproject.org/transifex.conf
>>> b/configs/web/translate.fedoraproject.org/transife
>>> index 940b314..43292bf 100644
>>> --- a/configs/web/translate.fedoraproject.org/transifex.conf
>>> +++ b/configs/web/translate.fedoraproject.org/transifex.conf
>>> @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ ProxyPass  /submit      http://transifexCluster/submit
>>>  ProxyPassReverse  /submit       http://transifexCluster/submit
>>>  RewriteEngine On
>>> +RewruteRule ^/tx$       https://translate.fedoraproject.org/tx/ [R,L]
>>>  RewriteRule ^/tx(.*)      http://app1/tx$1 [P]
>>>  RewriteRule ^/site_media(.*)      http://app1/site_media$1 [P]
>> s/Rewrute/Rewrite/
>> Despite that, looks OK to me: +1 ;-)
> Thanks, thats why we do these things :)  Fixed.

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