Mike McGrath wrote:
I think we shouldn't go too far out of our way for people that can't
follow directions.  Harsh?  Yes, but what we asked of people was
incredibly trivial.  I'd be fine with asking people to log in but I'd
think we'll find lots of people find that confusing.  Logging in and
setting your password is a task that has a clear begining and end.  I can
see people logging in expecting to see further directions and then asking
"now what"?

Why tell them at all? If you change it to 'activity shown on account' (which, IMNSHO, is the proper way)... the only reason for having people login will be immediately obvious via a properly worded email (ie., "Due to inactivity on your FAS account, your account will be
terminated in 1 month, unless the following steps are taken...").

We've just got so much else to do I'd hate to spend a lot of time and
effort to please a few people that can't spend less then a minute a year
(15 seconds every 2 months) to log in and type their password a couple of
times and the people that complained couldn't do that.

Many fail to realize that the same password they used before could be used again.
Hence the complaints.
People don't like having to remember new passwords every couple of months.
It's irritating and really unnecessary, not to mention the new security holes you open
(as Toshio, partially, explained in his email).

Lyos Gemini Norezel
fn:Lyos Norezel
adr:;;;;Ohio;;United States
title:Computer Repair Technician
note;quoted-printable:"Those who hunt monsters beware, lest they become monsters themselves.Ify=
	ou stare long into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you." --Nietzsch=
	Mundus Vult Decipi et Decipiatur -- Latin Proverb

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