On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Mike McGrath<mmcgr...@redhat.com> wrote:

> I'm a might busy with things at the moment, anyone on the list want to use
> this tool on our websites and do a review?  (Of both the tool and our
> sites?)

The tool is pretty cool, but I'm not much of a web developer.  So far,
I've ran it against http://fedoraproject.org, and it came up with some
seemingly good suggestions.  These are the only two it classified as
big wins, the other stuff is minor (some inefficient CSS as item 3,
for example)

1) We're not gzipping content going to the browser.  On the main page:

Compressing the following resources with gzip could reduce their
transfer size by about two thirds (~11.8kB).

    * Compressing http://fedoraproject.org/static/css/fedora.css could
save ~7.2kB.
    * Compressing http://fedoraproject.org could save ~3.5kB.
    * Compressing /en/static/js/release-counter.js could save ~1.1kB.

2)  Caching parameters for browsers are not optimal (some of these
suggestions we obviously can't follow, but we can others):

The following resources are missing a cache expiration. Resources that
do not specify an expiration may not be cached by browsers. Specify an
expiration at least one month in the future for resources that should
be cached, and an expiration in the past for resources that should not
be cached:

    * /en/static/js/release-counter.js
    * http://fedoraproject.org/static/css/fedora.css
    * http://fedoraproject.org/static/css/print.css

The following cacheable resources have a short freshness lifetime.
Specify an expiration at least one month in the future for the
following resources:

    * http://fedoraproject.org/static/images/arrow.png
    * /static/images/border-left.png
    * /static/images/border-right.png
    * fedora11-countdown-banner-4.en.png
    * /static/images/f10launch.png
    * /static/images/fedora-logo.png
    * /static/images/line-bottom.png
    * http://fedoraproject.org/static/images/line.png

Favicons should have an expiration at least one month in the future:

    * http://fedoraproject.org/static/images/favicon.ico

3) The inefficient CSS warning I was talking about earlier:

http://fedoraproject.org/static/css/fedora.css has 6 very inefficient
and 24 inefficient rules of 116 total rules.

    Very inefficient rules (good to fix on any page):

        * #content .roles a:hover    Tag key with 2 descendant
selectors and hover pseudo selector
        * #content p.warning a    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
and Class overly qualified with tag
        * #content ul#resources a    Tag key with 2 descendant
selectors and ID overly qualified with tag
        * #content ul#resources li    Tag key with 2 descendant
selectors and ID overly qualified with tag
        * .toolbar *    Universal key with descendant selector
        * #content div.login *    Universal key with 2 descendant
selectors and Class overly qualified with tag

    Inefficient rules (good to fix on interactive pages):

        * #head h1 a    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * .home #nav-home a    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * .get #nav-get a    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * .join #nav-join a    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * .help #nav-help a    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #content table th    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #content table th    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #content table td    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #content .download li    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #content .download a    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #content .roles li    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #content .roles a    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #footer a:hover    Tag key with descendant selector and
hover pseudo selector
        * #content #sponsors li    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #content #sponsors li img    Tag key with 3 descendant selectors
        * .downloadbox li li    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * .download-block p img    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * .download-sidebar a:hover    Tag key with descendant
selector and hover pseudo selector
        * #content .panel h3    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #login-box .field label    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #content .login h3    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #content .login input    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #content .login label    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors
        * #content .login ul    Tag key with 2 descendant selectors

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