On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Ricky Zhou<ri...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On 2009-06-07 04:55:31 PM, Mat Booth wrote:
>> I'm more than happy to test changes for you. Stack Overflow sent me
>> some information (see below) does this make any sense to you?
> Would you be interested in helping to make any of these changes?  OpenID
> in FAS is something I've worked on and would like to get fixed, but
> unfortunately, it's pretty far down on the TODO list at the moment.
> I'd definitely be happy to help you get started working on this if
> you're interested.

Yes, I'd be interested in taking a look. Unfortunately my own TODO
list is pretty full too and I don't know an awful lot about OpenID
either, so it may take me some time to get up to speed. Maybe I could
find a weekend to dedicate to it.

Meanwhile, can you hook me up with some documentation on setting up my
own local instance of FAS to get started with?

Mat Booth

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