Hello Fedora Infrastucture,

My name is Jason Walsh, I am 16 years old and have been using
GNU/Linux for about 2 years now. My first exposure to Linux was an
Ubuntu 7.04 beta, and I continued using Ubuntu for several months
after that. Following Ubuntu, I wanted to learn more about Linux, and
switched to Arch, which I stayed on for about 10 months. Along with
some friends, I currently admister an Arch Linux server on which we
have deployed several Web technologies including PHP, Python, and
Rails. I'm still fairly new to Fedora, only having been using it since
the release of Leonidas. Already, however, I love it, as I feel it
combines both ease-of-use and cutting edge software.

Around the same time I started running Linux, I cut my teeth on
programming with Java. Shortly after, I learned the breath of fresh
air that is Python. I have been actively coding personal projects in
Python for about a year now, and have contributed small amounts of
code to the open-source project Crunchy. While I have mainly used
Django for Web development, I have also dabbled in TurboGears and
other frameworks.

I want to become involved in the Fedora project because I really like
the Fedora distribution itself, enjoy working on open source projects,
and believe in the philosophy of free software. I feel that the
infrastructure group is the place where I can be most useful to the
Fedora project.

This summer I am working as an intern at an IT company in their
Managed Services department, doing things such as monitoring, system
deployment, and image creation. (Unfortunately, with the exception of
a few RHCE's, it's an entirely M$ shop).  At the end of summer, I will
begin my junior year in high school, which promises to be busy.
However, I think I will be able to donate about 3-4 hours a week to
the project. My entire "FOSS career" has been self-motivated and
self-taught, and hope to continue that with the infrastrcuture

I'm located in Middle America, Central Standard Time. My IRC nick is
jpwdsm, and I'm on XMPP as ja...@jabber.org.

Sorry if that was a little long winded :)
Jason Walsh

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