On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 13:44:39 -0400,
  "Paul W. Frields" <sticks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Did other attendees visit the URL to indicate their available times?

It didn't work for me. I got a 410 status. Probably it didn't like
my browser config, since it seems to have worked for others.
I probably don't need to be at the meeting, but will attend if it doesn't
end up being a bad time. Otherwise I'll try to leave xchat running and
see what happened afterwords.
If people are interested, I'll have a machine that I won't mind reinstalling
to set up a test environment if that will be useful. If people want that,
I'll need to get some details from someone, but whoever that someone is
can just talk to me at a convenient time for both of us.

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