On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:58:20 -0400,
  Jon Stanley <jonstan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:38 PM, John Poelstra <poels...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > 3) <jcollie> one thing that i though of today is the ability to log in using
> > the fas voip credentials from a cell phone when using the did numbers
> >  --after meeting question from John, "What exactly does this mean and how
> > would it be used? What would it improve that we can't do now?"
> I think that the use case for this is that I'm away, but I need to
> call $CONTRIBUTOR and I want them to know that it's me instead of some
> random cell phone number, so we should be able to login and have it
> come from our extension.

Would caller id with the person's cell phone number solve this problem?
If so, that might be easier to handle.

> Jeff, correct me if I'm wrong.  And I thought the meeting was at 3PM
> EST, have I failed yet again?  I'm incredibly busy with $DAYJOB as
> well :(

It was pretty short. It was over by 2000 UTC when I got back. If you look
at the log, you'll see it went pretty quick.

If you want to add to the wish list, I would like to eventually be able to
forward calls to another sip server. Right now I sort of handle this (but
something is broken) by having my asterisk box register with the fedora
talk server so it can get calls. But I get so few calls (none except for
my test calls) that I think it would be significantly less overhead to
have a forwarding ability rather than have to essentially poll from my

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