On Wed, 2 Dec 2009, Patrick Day wrote:

> Hello All,
> My name is Patrick Day, and I have been using Fedora for a few years now, and 
> I absolutely enjoy working with it. I like
> it so much in fact that I have decided to contribute to the Fedora community. 
> I have been a Software Test Engineer in
> many different facets (I will also sign up for the QA project) for about 4.5 
> yrs, and as such I gained valuable
> experience in writing scripts, programming, and debugging; I seek to 
> contribute whatever I can. I am interested in the
> infrastructure project because I would to refine and improve my programming 
> skills in general. If anyone has any
> questions about my experience please feel free to contact me.

The qa group is a great up-and-comming group in that there are several
massive changes going on in that group.  Given your experience I'm sure
you'll do well.

In Infrastructure we hang out on irc.freenode.net in #fedora-admin stop by
sometime and say hello.


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