Mike McGrath (mmcgr...@redhat.com) said: 
> > > What does everyone else have?
> >
> > 1) no frozen rawhide which requires faster composes
> > 2) dist-git
> > 3) A functioning message bus with services passing messages
> >
> I think I know what you'd want from us on 2 and 3, can you think of
> anything off hand you'd need help with for 1?  By faster composes are you
> thinking composing more often?  Does that include distribution?

NFR essentially requires two rawhides per day, once we branch for
release. Given that we'd also be pushing updates, that's a lot of
mashing and load on /mnt/koji.

Possible help points for that:
- using multiple releng boxes for composition
- faster storage


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