> > To execute.. Quote from [1]:
> > "add video=uvesafb:1024x768-32,mtrr:3,ywrap (or similar) to your
> > kernel command line"
> Right, but how does that work if built-in static? Is it relying
> on initialization order vs. initramfs unpacking to find its userspace
> component? Is it just spinning waiting for userspace?

The readme says:

4. Installation & Usage
To configure, build and install v86d with the default settings,

 # ./configure --default
 # make
 # make install

v86d isn't meant to be used in an interactive way. It should
be started and called by the kernel. If you want to see it in
action, build and load the uvesafb kernel module.

If you want to include v86d into an initramfs image,
misc/initramfs provides a minimal config parsable by

misc/initramfs says:
dir /dev 0755 0 0
nod /dev/console 0600 0 0 c 5 1
nod /dev/tty1 0600 0 0 c 4 1
nod /dev/zero 0600 0 0 c 1 5
nod /dev/mem 0600 0 0 c 1 1
dir /root 0700 0 0
dir /sbin 0755 0 0
file /sbin/v86d /sbin/v86d 0755 0 0

I think the module simply has to be included with initramfs
In general i'm not sure how this is supposed to work. only that it
solves my widescreen issue and that it's less difficult to use than
just vesafb (because that uses codes for the resolution while this one
uses a readable text (like 1280x800))

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