On Sat, 2006-02-11 at 11:30 +0100, Axel Thimm wrote:
> My mirror just hit the ceiling. Why isn't something happening? It is
> just adding the --delete option to rsync, or to use the list I sent a
> week ago. I reported this over and over again, it's very frustrating.
> I now have to add includes/excludes to the rsync to my mirror, as such
> I'm no 100% mirror anymore.

I've been working near 24/7 at Red Hat this past week trying to
accomplish some full rebuilds for Test3.  I haven't had but a bare
moment to concentrate on Legacy issues, and that time is stolen away by
trying to evaluate and test using plague/mock instead of our existing
build system.  This item is on my list to do, just not as high priority
as some other things.

Jesse Keating RHCE      (geek.j2solutions.net)
Fedora Legacy Team      (www.fedoralegacy.org)
GPG Public Key          (geek.j2solutions.net/jkeating.j2solutions.pub)

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