On Monday 13 February 2006 22:21, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Monday 13 February 2006 13:34, Eric Rostetter wrote:
> >Quoting Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >> Whats the best mailing list to get on where help with this might be
> >> obtained?
> >
> >For all things dovecot, use the dovecot mailing list.  See
> >http://www.dovecot.org/mailinglists.html
> Unforch, the above server is a black hole for subscribe requests.  No
> response to my subscribe requests (2) has been rx'd in 4 days now.
Hi Gene, Probably a bit unethical, but I've just tried subscribing to the 
Dovecot list, and have got on straight away, received the confirmation 
e-mail, then the welcome to e-mail. Try it again perhaps? Nigel.
> >For procmail, I don't really know which lists might be best, but
> >I'd start at http://www.procmail.org/era/lists.html
> I have this one sorted I believe.
> >In any case, these are separate issues which would go to separate
> > lists, and probably have little or nothing to do with Red Hat or
> > Fedora Legacy.
> Which is why I didn't make a lot of noise here asking detailed
> questions.

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