Jesse Keating wrote:
On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 12:54 -0600, Eric Rostetter wrote:


I don't think so.  And in any case, I was refering to the suggestion on
this list that we don't do QA to move to updates-testing, which would
by-pass this whole issue you try to bring up.

Well I won't agree to anything that bypasses the patch check step.  QA
must still happen before we put a package into updates-testing.

I haven't noticed that you/anyone were asked. There was a
pseudo-question indicating that this is what would happen, unless
there was strong objection. I stated that if it happened I was going
to withdraw from Legacy updates to my machine, which I think is the
strongest possible objection there could be. The decision seemed to be
made, anyway, so I have withdrawn. I suggest that, instead of continuing
to argue with people who have made up their minds, you simply
withdraw, and maintain control of what gets installed on your
machine. Or perhaps you are referring to something different?

Another thing to think about is we are putting in more QA into our
updates that Fedora upstream puts into the updates it issues into live
releases.  Just food for thought.

IMO, good reason not to use FCx for production machines.

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